The recognized problem and the first idea for tradidog

Kim now works in the feed industry and Bailey accompanies him every day at work and in his free time. In the office, Bailey enjoys the countless cuddles from the office team and playing with his friend Yara, the other office dog. When it comes to dog nutrition, Kim always wanted only the best for Bailey, but based on her experiences, this seemed rather difficult for various reasons. Although BARF reduces the general risk of malnutrition in dogs, it is also associated with a lot of effort, as the dog owner puts together the food rations himself, unlike ready-made food. In addition, the owner bears sole responsibility for providing his dog with a balanced and sufficient supply of all the necessary nutrients. As with humans, a sufficiently high omega-3 level is immensely important for four-legged friends. Unfortunately, in many products, the omega-3 value resulting from the food consumed is too low. Even back then, common products such as fish oil and fresh fish from the shops did not contribute sufficiently to solving the problem, as they always caused Bailey to have strong bad breath and unpleasant odors. In addition, products such as linseed oil and fish oil are greasy and therefore difficult for any dog ​​owner to handle. Algae oil as a plant-based alternative to fish oil also never met Kim's requirements for a healthy dog ​​diet. Algae oil derived from seaweed may contain a higher level of heavy metals than purified fish oil and may also contain an increased iodine content. Kim did not want to subject his faithful Bailey or the dog world to all of this.

While Bailey was growing up, Kim often had to change his current complete food depending on the situation, which was an enormous burden for Bailey each time. This often manifested itself in his loyal companion in the form of diarrhea lasting for days or severe digestive problems. As a compassionate dog owner, Kim always suffered with Bailey. In addition, it was by no means in line with Kim's desire for sustainability when he had to throw away opened food packages due to the necessary change in diet. He therefore decided to cook fresh food whenever possible in order to feed Bailey correctly and sustainably in each situation. However, this was a very difficult undertaking, especially at the beginning without sufficient knowledge of dog physiology. There was always the risk that important components of a balanced and healthy dog ​​diet would be forgotten. In Kim's opinion, all commercially available products contain too many fillers and additives and consequently less fiber, mucus and essential nutrients such as omega-3 and whole herbs from nature. In addition, he found that not only the contents of many products were problematic, but also their dosage and administration. Finally, when using many different products every day, there was a risk of quickly losing track.

From my parents' stories, I knew that all dog breeds known today originally descended from wolves, which were domesticated by humans around 80,000 years ago. Back then, wolves ate a diet that was close to nature, i.e. on the one hand, meat from wild and small animals, and on the other hand, fruit, berries and grasses. They knew exactly which herbs, roots and berries to eat to relieve digestive problems or other ailments. Unfortunately, due to the domestication of dogs, this is no longer possible today. But he wanted exactly this kind of balanced diet with lots of ingredients that were as close to nature as possible for his loyal Bailey. Just like it used to be: an innovative, high-quality and, above all, natural food solution for a healthy and long-lasting dog life. This meant that he and Bailey could enjoy many more wonderful moments together.

It was my deepest wish to find this innovative food solution as soon as possible. As a passionate dog owner, I was finally able to say a big thank you to my Krisia, or to the dog world on her behalf. My goal was to work hard in the future, both privately and professionally, to meet her needs and ensure that her dog lives a long and energetic life. I wanted my current loyal companion Bailey to stay with me for a long time and enjoy a carefree and as active a dog life as possible. As a result, I looked for the best combination of raw materials. In this context, naturalness and sustainability were very important to me, which is why it had to be a 100 percent plant-based product with a predominantly preventative approach to Bailey's active health promotion. However, the product used should also be able to be used to relieve symptoms as a vegan alternative to conventional medication in certain situations.

The oldest cultivated plant in the world, flax, seemed to me to be a good option as a base. Flax is an oil-containing plant whose seeds are very rich in oil (40%), especially in omega-3 fatty acids (60%). The nutritional benefits are clearly visible in humans and animals. Breeders have always used the plant for its health benefits for their animals. Since flax offers zero waste but very sustainable production, I could very well imagine the plant as the basis for an innovative food solution for the dog world. I knew from conventional flax products that these - often consumed whole or ground - are not processed profitably by the body, but are excreted directly without releasing any nutrients. Consequently, a different type of flax product had to serve as the basis.

From my mother's earlier stories, the image of the wolf and its story had always stuck in the back of my mind. Therefore, selected herbs as a natural ingredient should also be a mandatory element of the innovative food solution in order to optimally support the dog's body, especially during the regeneration phase and in phases of special stress due to external stimuli. In this way, the goal of increased endurance, increased vitality and more well-being thanks to well-functioning organs (liver, gastrointestinal tract, etc.) for a long dog life should be achieved regardless of age.

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